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Afraid of Being Judged? It’s Like Worrying About a New Dentist Critiquing Your Flossing Skills

Imagine you’re about to visit a new dentist, and your first thought is, “Oh no, they’re going to judge me for not flossing every day.” It’s a common worry, right? We’ve all been there—nervous about being judged for our dental hygiene or, in this case, our mental health.

If you’re hesitant to try therapy because you’re scared of being judged, let’s clear things up. Just as your dentist’s job is to help you achieve better dental health without shaming you, a therapist’s role is to support your mental well-being with empathy and without judgment.

Therapists Are Trained to Be Non-Judgmental

Think of your therapist as the dental hygienist of the mental health world. They’re trained to work with all sorts of patients, each with their own unique habits and histories.

Just as a dentist focuses on your oral health without critiquing your brushing techniques, a therapist focuses on helping you with your mental health, providing support without passing judgment. Their training emphasizes empathy, understanding, and creating a safe space where you can be honest and open. You don't have to fear being judged.

Sign that says "everyone is welcome"

Judgment Is Not in Their Job Description

Imagine a dentist who starts your appointment with, “I can’t believe you haven’t flossed in two years!” That would be pretty off-putting, right? Similarly, therapists are not in the business of judging you. Their role is to listen, support, and guide you through your challenges. They’re there to help you improve your mental health, not to criticize your past actions or choices.

Everyone Has Flaws and Struggles

Just as you might have a few cavities or a bit of plaque, everyone has personal issues they deal with. A dentist understands that, just as a therapist knows that everyone has their own set of challenges and coping mechanisms. It’s normal to feel a bit self-conscious about your issues, but remember that therapists see a wide range of experiences and are there to help you navigate yours with care and understanding.

They’re Here to Help, Not to Critique

A dentist’s goal is to help you achieve the best possible dental health, and similarly, a therapist’s goal is to support you in achieving mental well-being. Just as your dentist won’t judge you for needing a few fillings, your therapist won’t judge you for needing help with your mental health. They’re focused on finding solutions and providing support, not critiquing your journey.

Small rainbow star beads in a hand palm

It’s Normal to Feel Anxious About Being Judged

Feeling nervous about being judged is perfectly normal. It’s like the anxiety you might feel about your first visit to a new dentist, even if you’ve been brushing diligently. This apprehension doesn’t mean therapy won’t be helpful or that your fears are unwarranted. It’s just part of the process of stepping into a new and vulnerable space.

Remember, this anxiety is temporary and will likely diminish as you build trust with your therapist.

Building Trust Takes Time

Just like establishing a good relationship with a new dentist, building trust with a therapist takes time. It’s natural to be apprehensive at first, but as you continue to attend sessions and share your thoughts, you’ll likely find that the fear of judgment fades away. Therapists are accustomed to working with clients from all walks of life and are skilled at creating a supportive environment.

Everyone Starts Somewhere

Just as everyone starts their dental care journey with different habits and history, everyone’s mental health journey is unique. Whether you’re new to therapy or returning after a break, your therapist understands that everyone starts somewhere. They’re there to help you move forward, regardless of where you’re starting from.

Like a flower grows from seed, you too with some good soil, water, and increased light (perhaps insights gained in therapy) can begin to grow and bloom!

A blooming purple flower

You’re Not Alone in Feeling This Way

Many people feel anxious about being judged when starting therapy. It’s like feeling nervous about your first visit to a new dentist, even if you’ve taken good care of your teeth. Remember, this is a common concern and your therapist is prepared to address it with sensitivity and compassion. They’ve worked with many clients who have similar fears and are equipped to help you feel comfortable and at ease.

Focus on the Benefits, Not the Fears

Just as you focus on the benefits of good dental care (fresh breath, a bright smile), focus on the benefits of therapy. Overcoming the fear of judgment can lead to significant improvements in your mental health and overall well-being. Therapy can provide valuable insights, coping strategies, and support that can make a meaningful difference in your life.

Therapy Is a Judgment-Free Zone

Think of therapy as a judgment-free zone, akin to a dentist’s office where the focus is on helping you achieve your best self. Your therapist’s primary concern is your well-being, not critiquing your past actions or decisions. They’re there to support you, understand your experiences, and work with you to find solutions.

A poem written on a brick wall


If you’re afraid of being judged in therapy, remember that it’s like worrying about a dentist critiquing your flossing habits. Therapists are trained to provide support and understanding without judgment. They’re here to help you navigate your mental health journey with empathy and care.

Just as you’d give a new dental routine a fair shot to see its benefits, give therapy a chance to show you how it can positively impact your life. The initial apprehension is normal, but with time, you’ll likely find that the support and guidance you receive are worth the effort.


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